Netflix shares trailer Crypto Boy about shadowy world of crypto


Netflix shares trailer Crypto Boy about shadowy world of crypto

Netflix is coming out with a new Dutch movie called "Crypto Boy. It is about the shadowy world of cryptocurrency and its appeal to young people.

The film is about Amir, played by Shahine El-Hamus, who has many arguments with his father Omar, played by Sabri Saad El-Hamus. The two have huge differences of opinion. Omar runs a poorly run Mexican restaurant. He has little regard for modernization, which is why things are going very badly. Amir is a delivery driver for the restaurant, but his father sees him primarily as an irresponsible idler who is not ready to take over from his father.

Amir happens to attend a presentation by a charismatic crypto-entrepreneur. He is triggered by the promises and wants to show his father what he is worth. He completely loses himself in the crypto start-up. But there is also a downside to making fast money, he finds out when the police are looking for him.

The film will be available on Netflix starting Oct. 19.

Image: Fiction Valley